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Salza Prina Ricotti E.
"Villa Adriana in Pirro Ligorio e Francesco Contini" in Memorie dell'Accademia dei Lincei 1973-4 pp. 3-47 tav. I-IV XVII
Deals with the problems of the study of ligorian codices and their interpretation.

Pinto J.
"Piranesi at Hadrian's Villa" in Eius virtuti studiosi. Classical and postclassical Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown, 1900-1988. Washington 1993, pp. 464-477

Raspi Serra J. - Themelly A.
"Disegni di antichità nelle collezioni della Bibliothéque Municipal e del Musée des Beaux Arts et d'Archeologie di BesanÁon. Presentazione e profilo di ricerca" in Eutopia 1993, 2, pp. 133-153
On a corpus of plans and sketches made in the XVIII Century by the Architects Pensionnaires of the Academy of France at Rome, now in the Library of Besançon, France.

Conti V.
"Giambattista Piranesi (1720-1778) e Francesco Piranesi (1758-1810): vedute e antichità di Tivoli", Roma 1996, pp. 156
Beautiful reproductions of the engravings made by Giovan Battista Piranesi and of his map of Hadrian's Villa, which was published by his son Francesco after his death. This most useful book gives easy access to maps and documents that it is not always easy to find in Libraries.

Raspi Serra J.
"A la recherche de l'Antiquité: le nouveau regard sur les monuments" in La fascination de l'Antique. Rome 1700-1770 Catalogo della mostra di Lione del 1998-1999. pp. 84-94

Raspi Serra J.
"Fouilles et découvertes, personnages et débats" in La fascination de l'Antique. Rome 1700-1770 Catalogo della mostra di Lione del 1998-1999. pp. 116-120

Ranaldi A.
Pirro Ligorio e l'interpretazione delle ville antiche 2001
A very accurate study on Renaissance and roman villas, with a special attention for Villa Adriana. It gives a very vivid picture of the great interest for the great monuments of roman antiquity at the time of the Renaissance.

Ten A.
"Libro dell’antica città di Tivoli e di alcune famose ville", a cura di A. Ten, Roma 2005
A precious and useful book publishing the complete text of Pirro Ligorio's Codes now in the State Archives of Turin, with a special comment on their section describing Hadrian's Villa. Since some drawings certainly made by Ligorio show the same handwriting of the Turin Codes, they are authentic and were written by Ligorio himself. The opinion of Salza that the Turin Codes where a late apocryphal version is proven to be wrong.

Hidalgo R.
"Piranesi y el dibujo preparatorio de la 'pianta delle fabbriche esistenti nella Villa Adriana' del Museo de San Martino en Nàpoles" in El Concepto de lo provincial en el mundo antiguo, Cordoba 2006, pp. 281-300 Homenaje a la profesora Pilar Leon Alonso
On the original preparatory drawings for the plan of Hadrian's Villa, made by Giovan Battista Piranesi, now in Naples in the San Martino Museum.

Pinon Pp.
"Pierrre Adrien Paris (1745-1819) architecte et les monuments antiques de Rome", Roma 2007
Contains some plans of Hadrian's Villa and explains the important role that the french architect played in the studies on roman antiquities at his time.

De Franceschini M.
 "Piante antiche e tecnologie moderne nell'Accademia della Villa Adriana di Tivoli (Roma)", in HASB (Hefte des Archäologischen Seminars der Universität Bern) 21, 2009, pp. 163-175. (http://maps.unibe.ch)

De Franceschini M., 2016 = Villa Adriana. Accademia. Hadrian's Secret Garden, vol. I. History of the excavations, Ancient sources and Antiquarian Studies, from the XV to the XVII Centuries,  Pisa Roma 2016.
A complete history of the Codices of Ligorio and of hist mythical General Plan. And also a study of the plans by Contini with a large folding color plate showing the different land plots an owners listed by Contini

DeFranceschini M.
 "Villa Adriana e un grande artista del Rinascimento: Francesco di Giorgio Martini" in pre-atti del Convegno internazionale Leonardo e l'antico, Tivoli 2019, Roma 2021 pp. 51-52 e 121-122.

Villa Adriana - Progetto Accademia
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VILLA ADRIANA di Marina De Franceschini

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