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Fundamental works starting from the end of the XIX century

Lanciani R.
"Relazioni su Villa Adriana" in Notizie degli Scavi 1878 pp. 37, 68-9 e 1378

Fiorelli G.
"Scavi a Villa Adriana" in Notizie degli Scavi 1880 pp. 229-230 e 479

Blondel Pp.
"Restauration du prétendu Théâtre Maritime de la Villa Adriana" in Melanges de l'Ecole Française de Rome 1881 I pp. 63-67 tav. II

Lanciani R.
"Scavi e scoperte a Villa Adriana" in Notizie degli Scavi 1881 pp. 91, 105-106, 138
Lanciani R.
"Disegni di antichità nella biblioteca di S. Maria di Eton" in Bullettino Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 1892 22 pp. 158-187
Lanciani R.
"Di un nuovo codice di Pier Leone Ghezzi contentente notizie di antichità" in Bullettino dei Musei Comunali di Roma 1893 21 pp. 165-182

Sortais L.
"Canope" in Monuments antiques releves 1893 pp. 211- 214

Lanciani R.
"Disegni di Pier Leone Ghezzi" in Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 1894 22 pp. 179

Winnefeld H.
"Die Villa des Hadrian bei Tivoli" in Jahrbuch des Deutsches Archäologisces Instituts Rom - Erganzungshefte 5 1895
The first detailed study on Villa Adriana, summarizing information from previous sources. With an accurate inventory of the finds. He studies the architecture and draws new plans of the single buildings.

Gusman P.
La villa Impériale de Tibur - Paris 1904
Features beautiful engravings and the first pictures, and is another fundamental text on the Villa. With an inventory of sculptures and mosaics.

Reina V. - Lanciani R.
"Tivoli - rilievo planimetrico e altimetrico della villa Adriana, eseguito dalla Scuola per gli Ingegneri" in Notizie degli Scavi 1906 pp. 313-317
The first general map of the Villa drawn using modern techniques. Unfortunately it does not include all the buildings of the Villa, and it is difficult to see the inner details of the plans of the buildings because of its small scale.

Chillman J.
"The Casino of semicircular arcades at the tiburtine villa of the Emperor Hadrian" in Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 1920 pp. 103-120 tav. 50-56

Reichardt W.L.
"The Vestibule group at Hadrian's Villa" in Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 1933 pp. 127-132 tav. 13-20

Mirick H.D.
"The Large Baths at Hadrian's Villa" in Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 1933 pp. 119-126 tav. 4-12
Three studies by American scholars quite accurate, considering their date.

Lugli G.
"Studi topografici intorno alle antiche ville suburbane: Villa Adriana, una villa di età repubblicana inclusa nelle costruzioni imperiali" in Bullettino Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 1926-27 54-55 pp. 139-204
Lugli G.
"Studi topografici intorno alle antiche ville suburbane: Villa Adriana, le fasi della Villa da Adriano al tardo impero." in Bullettino Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 1932 pp. 111-176.
Two fundamental studies which for the first time identified the ancient republican Villa subsequently included in the hadrianic buildings. The first to talk about building techniques, too.

Bloch H.
"I bolli laterizi e la storia edilizia romana; la Villa di Adriano a Tivoli" in Bullettino Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 1937 65 pp. 113-181
This is still the one and only article on brick stamps, basic tool to date the building phases of the Villa. Urgently needs to be updated.

Kähler H.
Hadrian und seine Villa bei Tivoli - Berlin 1950
A partial survey of the Villa focusing on the Accademia and the Casino of Semicircular arcades, which he wrongly considers a triclinium. Beautiful plans and drawings of some elevations.

Rakob F.
"Der Bauplan eines kaiserlichen villa" in Festschrift K.L. Lankheit, Koln 1973, pp. 113-125

Salza Prina Ricotti E.
"Villa Adriana nei suoi limiti e nella sua funzionalità" Rendiconti Pontificia Accademia di Archeologia XIV 1982 pp. 25-55
Summarizes the knowledge and the interpretation of the author, who studies the Villa as an architect. Has the better most updated and complete general map of the Villa since 1906, which partly copies the plan by Piranesi repeating the same mistakes. It also studies the subterranean road network of the Great Trpezium

De Franceschini M.
Villa Adriana - Mosaici, pavimenti, edifici. Roma 1991
The first systematic survey of the Villa, with catalogue entries, featuring the history of the Villa, of the restorations. The study of the function of the buildings is based on the different decorative hierarchies, which allow the identification of 'noble' quarters, reserved to the emperor, secundary quarters for high ranking personnel, and a third for slaves and servants. It is the first complete study of mosaics and opus sectile pavements in the whole villa.

MacDonald W.L. Pinto L.A.
Hadrian's Villa and its legacy 1995
A very interesting and useful book, with a thorough study of antiquarian sources and on the influence of the Villa on modern architecture. Featuring rare pictures, new and original interpretations and ideas.

Salza Prina Ricotti E.
Villa Adriana il sogno di un imperatore. Architettura, arte e giardini, Roma 2000.
The summary of her studies on Villa Adriana, with the antiquarian texts and gives her personal interpretations about function and meaning of the buildings of the Villa, which are not always reliable.

Villa Adriana - Progetto Accademia
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VILLA ADRIANA di Marina De Franceschini

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