Sunday 5 May, 11.15am
26th Archaeoastronomy Seminar ALSSA. 2024.
Università Popolare Sestrese, Piazzetta dell’Università Popolare, Genova Sestri.
tel. (+39) 010 6043247
Presentation: La Rocca di Cerere (The Rock of Ceres). Enna, Italy
Marina De Franceschini, Giuseppe Veneziano
A new study on
the astronomical orientation of the Rocca di Cerere in Enna (Italy), discovered by Marina De Franceschini in 2023 during a visit to the magnificent Sicilian site and confirmed by the
astronomical calculations of Giuseppe Veneziano.Thanks to the
cooperation with the local scholar Fabrizio Natanaele Severino and the archaeologist Paolo D'Angelo we confirmed the hypothesis of an astronomical orientation of the site towards
the dawn of the Summer Solstice, proposing an interpretation of its symbolic meaning and its function, linked to the cult of Ceres.