Untitled 1


Building for slaves and servants

©MarinaDeFranceschini - Progetto Accademia


This simple building is located in a secluded position close to the Hall with Doric Pillars and the Winter Palace. 
It has a large central courtyard CV1 flanked by rooms on three of its four sides, CV 2-10; they are all paved in opus spicatum, with small rectangular bricks.

CASERMA VIGILI veduta con latrina.png

The Firemen's Headquarters from outside

In the wall of those high rooms there are travertine blocks which supported wooden mezzanines, so as to divide them into three storeys.
Access to the upper floors was via wooden stairs and galleries located outside, which have now disappeared.

On the right side of the main entrance, there is a quadrangular building CV11 which gave access to the open courtyard CV12 and then to other rooms. There was a multi-seat latrine CV15, paved in cocciopesto, preceded by a small room CV13, intended for guardian, the latrinarius.

Inner view of Firemen's Headquarters

The uncovered areas, CV12 and CV18 also had brick opus spicatum flooring.

Function and meaning
The Caserma dei Vigili owes its name to the resemblance to the Caserma dei Vigili in Ostia.
The simple decoration with opus spicatum floors, the secluded position and multiple latrines prove that it belonged to the servile quarters of the Villa, intended for slaves.

The structure with mezzanine rooms and access through galleries is similar to that of the rooms of the Hundred Chambers and the Praetorium Substructures, which also were inhabited by the slaves.

It could have been used for storing foodstuff, or as a kitchen for  the nearby Summer Triclinium PI25 in the Imperial Palace.

SEE: Marina De Franceschini, Villa Adriana. Mosaici, pavimenti, edifici. Roma 1991, pp. 160-169 and 480-483.
Salza Prina Ricotti E. "Cucine e quartieri servili in epoca romana"  in Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia, 51-52, 1978-80, pp. 237-294.

Villa Adriana - Progetto Accademia
©2023-24 Marina De Franceschini

e-Mail: rirella.editrice@gmail.com
VILLA ADRIANA di Marina De Franceschini

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