Untitled 1
Congress and Presentationss
[Archaeoastronomy in ancient Helvetia: the Theater and the Temple of Aventicum (Avenches) (Italian Language)
Anno: 2018

Genoa (Italy). Presentation at the XX ALSSA Seminar of Archaeoastonomy
Archaeoastronomy in ancient Helvetia: the Theater and the Temple of Aventicum (Avenches) (Italian Language)
Anno: 2018

Genoa, Italy. Presentation at the 18th SIA Annual Conference “...in purissimo azzurro veggo dall’alto fiammeggiar le stelle”
Archaeoastronomy in Medieval times. The Hermitage of Saint Elias at Curinga (Catanzaro, Italy) meeting point of ancien symbols. (Italian Language)
Anno: 2018

Sassari (Italy). Presentation ath the 7th International Congress of Archaeoastronomy in Sardinia "The Measure of Time".
Studies and Discoveries of Archaeoastronomy in Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli
Anno: 2018

Rome, Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, presentation of the Periodical Bollettino della Unione Storia e Arte,
The Inferi of Villa Adriana: "Etiam Inferos Finxit" (Italian Language)
Anno: 2018

Presentation of the Periodical Archeologia Sotterranea, Roma, National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia
Villa Adriana. Accademia, Hadrian's Secret Garden
Anno: 2018

Presentation at the British School at Rome, Sainsbury Lecture Theatre
Water, Earth and Art. Villa d'Este and Villa Adriana (Italian Language)
Anno: 2018

Tivoli, Lecture at the Liceo Scientifico Spallanzani

Villa Adriana - Progetto Accademia
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VILLA ADRIANA di Marina De Franceschini

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