©MarinaDeFranceschini - Progetto Accademia
From the Libraries to the Baths with Heliocaminus
The central area of Villa Adriana has several artificial terraces and buildings, and also incorporated a pre-existing republican villa, a good part of which still remains.
Not far from the Fede Nymphaeum (n. 4) there is an ancient Republican Cistern (n. 11) at an altitude of 88m. which was transformed into a farmhouse in the eighteenth century.
Close to it is a ramp and an access stair that go up to the Lower Terrace of the Libraries (n. 12) which on the south side has a retaining wall decorated with niches, at an altitude of 90.
Two stairs built inside that retaining wall go up to the Upper Terrace of the Libraries (n. 13), at an altitude of 95 m., where the Greek Library (n. 14) and the Latin Library (n. 15) are located.
Two narrow corridors led to the Courtyard of the Libraries (n. 18), located on the same level and also to the secondary quarters of the Hospitalia and Imperial Triclinium (n. 16-17).
From the Courtyard of the Libraries it was possible to access the Cryptoporticus with Mosaic Vault (n. 20).
Three stairs went further up to an altitude of 100 m, to the Imperial Palace (n. 19), to the Outer Peristyle (n. 21), to the Hall with Doric Pillars (n. 22) and then to two other secondary buildings, the Farmhouse near the Golden Square (n. 23) and the Firemen’s Headquarters (n. 24).
The Maritime Theater (n. 26) also belonged to this area, and had a Terrace (n. 27) of the same name.
And finally there were the Baths with Heliocaminus (n. 25) which served this area of the Villa.
The area of the Imperial Palace was a private area, with a few access points and supervised links between one building and another.
The Cryptoporticus with Mosaic Vault was closed to the public more than 20 years ago, the rest is open.