Untitled 1
Congress and Presentationss
Archaeoastronomy in the Villa of Tiberius at Sperlnga (Italian Language)
Anno: 2019

Presentation ati the19th SIA Congress “Ad una ad una annoverar le stelle”
Archaeoastronomy in the Villa of Tiberius at Sperlonga (Latina) (Italian Languae)
Anno: 2019

Genoa, (Italy) Presentation at the 21st ALSSA Seminar of Archaeoastronomy
Archeoastronomia nella Roma imperiale: le magie luminose di Villa Adriana, di Castel Sant’Angelo e del Pantheon (Italian Language)
Anno: 2019

Trevignano Romano (Rome, Italy). Conference for the Circolo Culturale "I Giovedì dell’Arte"
Astronomical orientation and luminous phenomena in Aventicum, the capital of ancient Roman Helvetia
Anno: 2019

Presentation at the 25th EAA Annual Meeting in Bern
Between Stones and Light (Ialian Language)
Anno: 2019

Acconia di Curinga (Italy) Conference for the Workshop of Archaeoastornomy
Beyond the Paradigms: Archaeoastronomy as a new interpretation key to understand the function and meaning of ancient buildings
Anno: 2019

Poster presentation at the 25th EAA Annual Meeting in Bern
Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli. The Gabrielli Tables and two new unknown tables
Anno: 2019

Reggio Calabria (Italy) National Archaeological Museum, Presentation at the 25th Aiscom Colloquium
Villa Adriana and a great Renaissance artist: Francesco di Giorgio Martini
Anno: 2019

Tivoli (Rome, Italy) Presentation at the International Conference "Leonardo e l'Antico"

Villa Adriana - Progetto Accademia
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e-Mail: rirella.editrice@gmail.com
VILLA ADRIANA di Marina De Franceschini

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